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Boat sharing service

Our newest acquisition, Luigi, a Birdie 24 model sailboat from 1978, works as a boat sharing boat with a fixed season fee. The idea started from the fact that most course participants would like to sail more, but do not want to commit to owning a boat. Unfortunately, few boat owners want to rent their boat to beginners, so the only solution has been to participate in guided sailings.

The boat sharing service enables independent training even for less experienced sailors. For a fixed price of €650, you can sail as much as you want throughout the season. The boat is located on Lauttasaari. 

You can find the booking calendar here. Reservations can be made only by season pass holders.


Find people to sail with in the Silén Brothers Crew Pool Whatsapp-group.

Unlimited use

Take your friends sailing! Only the one who books the boat needs to be a season pass holder, the rest can be visitors.

You break, you fix

The boat in numbers

Length: 7,36m

Beam: 2,41m

Draft: 1,25m

Displacement: 1750kg

Sleeps: 5

Price list

Season fee: 650€

Extra price for overnight bookings: 75€


You have familiarized yourself with the boat captain's responsibilities and right of way rules at sea (COLREGs). You will receive the self-study material upon registration.

Liity/Join/Gå med

  • Kausikortti/Season pass/Säsongskort

    Rajattomasti purjehdusta toukokuusta lokakuun loppuun/Unlimited sailing from May until the end of October/Segla obegränsat från maj tills slutet av oktober
    Valid for 12 months
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